Contesting Memorial Spaces in the Asia-Pacific

Panel 7 - Narrating the Nation


Kerby C. Alvarez
(University of the Philippines Diliman)

“Marcos, People Power, and Duterte: The People Power Monument, the Libingan ng mga Bayani, and the Problem of Historical Revisionism”


Hyein Han
(Sunkyunkwan University)

 “Memory, Representation and ‘Public History’: Focusing on the Japanese Military ‘Comfort Women’ Statue and Museum Exhibition”


John Lee Candelaria
(Hiroshima University)

“The politics of Pacific War memorialization in Thailand’s Victory Monument and the Philippines’ Shrine of Valor


Liza Wing Man Kam
(University of Göttingen)

“Tracing the inveterate (post-)colonial controls: Queen’s Pier in Hong Kong and the ‘Cape No. 7’ in Hengchun, Taiwan”


Panel Discussion
Moderated by Hyun Kyung Lee (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
